
Isa al Messiah

I wish to everybody a peaceful christmas feast. As muslim and christian accept, that Isa=Jesus=Yahoshua is born from the virgin Mari(jam).

As the wise men from the east has seen that star, they saddled their camels and came to see the newborn king of the jews. In Jerusalem they told them, it must be the Messiah, which supposes to be born in Bethlehem, which was prophecied so 450 and 700 years before that.

The king Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus, and an angel appeared to the wise, NOT to go back to Jerusalem. And the angel told Joseph to escape to egypt with Mari(yam) and the baby Jesus - just with their donkey:
 Gnostic people made out of Mari(yam) a queen of heaven - something like Isis - and the catholic church, mentioned in Qu'ran as the wrong followers, still does so:

So - it is much better - to study the holy books ourselves - each in his language, to find out, who Mari(yam) and Jesus had been in reality!

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